Tonics and GW2 Fun

Hi everyone! I’ve been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 lately with my friends and have managed to get one of my alts to max level. It may not seem as much but I’m feeling pretty accomplished. I’ve also recently acquired this gem… It’s an endless cat tonic. It lets you turn into a…


Hi everyone! As you may or may not know, I’m working on prints to sell at Fanexpo with a friend. For the past week, I’ve been working on style tests to see what kind of illustrations I should go for. I conferred with several people and concluded that I should go for an illustrative style…

GW2 Comics.

Hi everyone! I’ve been painting a lot. A LOT. Mostly they’ve just been speedpaintings to practice what I’ve learned in school and tossing in stuff that I like. Mostly, Guild Wars 2 stuff. Here’s a painting I did in the past week. I’ve also been making tiny comics based on my experiences in GW2. Here’s…

Work in Progress

Hi all, I’ve been playing GW2 much more often now that it’s summer. I’ve had crazy fun times with my guildmates running dungeons and stuff. I’ve also finished my personal story recently (after putting it off for months) and I feel quite accomplished. The story was alright for me… it wasn’t the best story line…

Super Adventure Box!

Hi everyone! I was going to post about this a few weeks back but I found myself encumbered with other important stuff so I didn’t really get around to playing Guild Wars 2 until just recently. I still want to share this with you because I thought it was awesome. 🙂 So, for the month…

GW2: Eir Stegalkin

Hi everyone! Whaaa- another Guild Wars 2 post? I can’t help myself. I’ve been having loads of fun since I’ve hit max level. I’m currently doing world events with a whole bunch of people on the server… …running dungeons and fractals (which essentially is a collection of 5 mini dungeons) with my friends… …exploring the…

On My Way to Max Level

Hi GGG readers! I really don’t know how I’m managing to balance school work and gaming. It has been a long time since I’ve been so dedicated to a game like this.  I’m close to level 80 on Guild Wars 2 now and I’m finally at the juiciest and most intense part of the game.…

Quaggan Likes You!

Hi everyone! Lately I’ve been trying to juggle between gaming, personal art, and school work. Ever since I got my new weekly planner, I’ve been a little more organized hehe… Anyway, I’ve been playing a LOT of Guild Wars 2. As of now, I have a level 59 warrior. It’s not bad considering how long…

Asura Necromancer

Hello everyone, I’ve been playing plenty of Guild Wars 2 lately. I haven’t been into an MMORPG this much since World of Warcraft a few years back hehe… Anyway, I really fell in love with the Asuras; they’re adorable! I made myself an Asura necromancer and she was so cute that I decided it’d be…

Happy New Year!

  Hi everyone and happy new year! Any New Year’s Resolutions? I wasn’t able to post on Saturday because my laptop decided to die right after Boxing Day so I had to decide whether I wanted to get a new laptop or build myself a desktop PC. I opted for the latter since it was…